DCC Students Attend Discover Engineering Day at PSU DuBois

This Tuesday, DuBois Central Catholic High School students visited Penn State DuBois Campus for Discover Engineering Day. The day highlights engineering careers and education through hands-on activities and discussion.

During the morning, students learned about what kinds of jobs engineers do through coding and building.  These hands-on activities gave students a chance to understand the engineering process.  They had to work in groups to design a concept that would solve a problem, then build, test, then redesign their projects. The activities and discussion were led by Penn State’s Engineering Ambassadors.  After lunch and a tour of the campus, our students ended the day with a question-and-answer session with the Engineering Ambassadors to learn about education and career paths in the engineering field.

The day was a great opportunity for students to learn about an interesting field with a wide variety of career paths.